Shipping Arrangement

We are primarily using the Hong Kong Post service, called EC-Ship.

By purchasing from our website, you have agreed to use our default shipping method. Hong Kong Post is government owned postal service, it is reliable, but still has its restrictions and limitations. From Hong Kong Post website, Air Parcel (our default shipping method) is able to deliver to more than 200 destinations in major cities within 6 to 28 working days*. We reserved our rights to cancel your order and offer full refunds if Hong Kong Post could not provide full tracking information in your country.

*Sundays and public holidays are excluded for the purpose of determining the date of posting or arrival in Hong Kong for all mail items and for performance measurement under the performance pledges.

For Greater China area, we offered SF-Express

對於大中華區 (香港、澳門、台灣以及中國大陸),我們主要使用順豐速運提供的快遞服務。

透過我們的網站購買貨品,即表示您已同意使用我們默認的郵遞方式。順豐速運方式是可靠的,但仍然有其限制。 如果您在所在國家/地區無法提供完整的包裹追踪信息,我們保留取消您的訂單並全額退款的權利。